Julia Sharp

15197_592544557556587_3988862896435426697_nI decided to approach Ray for PT sessions because I found him to be very approachable, knowledgable and sincere. I first met Ray when I was working out on my own and he politely asked if he could give me some advice on my technique. We had a great discussion about what I was/wasn’t doing. I thought that really stood out because I find a lot of PT’s often don’t smile and say hello or offer advice until you are paying them- and I really appreciated Rays advice and respectful way he went about it. I have found Ray to be hugely motivating and consistently honest, tough and knowledgeable. He has shown not only an understanding of my physical side and what I want to get out of my sessions with him but also he understands where I am emotionally and how that impacts on my training.
Ray often goes beyond the hour sessions- and this shows his care for his clients beyond the monetary aspect.
Having been working with Ray for a month I have become more toned and lost weight, and generally more healthy and motivated. He has helped me to understand how my body reacts to certain foods and that just because I was eating healthy foods doesn’t necessarily mean I was eating right for my body type and lifestyle. I have become more determined and goal orientated since working with Ray because I feel like I’m no longer working alone! I know I can ask Ray for help whenever I need it which is great.

I am excited for further results and to continue my journey with Ray!

Julia Sharp

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